Riches in God

In Mark 10 we read a fascinating event of a man who "had it all" and had "done it all", this is a popular story of a rich man who came to Jesus.

Change for God for good

We all would agree that 2020 has been a miserable year - pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, financial crisis, not to mention individual troubles, deaths in the family and many other miseries. In all this trouble, it is a still a good time to seek God with all our hearts to understand what He wants.

Goodness of God

It was a cold day in December, I had gone through a series of tests and on 30th December 2019 we were supposed to see the doctor to get my results. The doctor made us wait a bit and then told me and my wife that I had a rare type of cancer - "Thymus Carcinoma" in the fourth stage.

Partying Right

A few years back a lot of songs had the line - "Do you like to party??!!". Ofcourse, this is not a very bright question, everyone likes to party! Everyone wants to be in a celebration and be in a place which has happy people, great food, music and dancing. What if I told you God likes to party and in fact God's kingdom is a non-stop celebration. How do I know this? Because it is mentioned in the Bible - God鈥檚 kingdom, is like a king who threw a wedding banquet for his son.

Choosing God

As I received the news that I have cancer, I was very discouraged. As a human and a follower of Jesus Christ my first reaction ofcourse was - God is really done with me this time. He has had enough of my sins and this time He has given me over to be punished. I do know that I am no saint, if something bad is happening to me I truly deserve it. I may have some small good somewhere but I am a great sinner - I was an internet addict, I was addicted to all sorts of images and videos on the internet. I can be lustful, selfish, rude, judgemental and I can go on and on.

Seeking Righteousness


As I read the Bible, especially the Psalms I was struck by how many times "righteousness" is mentioned. A quick text search revealed that the word is mentioned around 600 times in the Bible. I was intrigued, a quick Google search reveals that righteousness is defined as - the quality of being morally right or justifiable. In this human sense however it seems confusing because what feels "right" to some people, might feel wrong to other people. So I dug down in the Bible trying to figure out what righteousness means for God as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Loving God

Welcome to my first post. I have been looking to do this for a while but somehow could not. I hope to keep it simple - write small posts on things I read, discover and think about in God's word.